Post by loplod on Aug 8, 2010 1:58:14 GMT
I was just thinking and wondering if you guys were going to install a language filter and who else thinks it may be a good idea.
While I am all for expressing yourself there are better ways then pointless cussing.
I'm fine with words like 'shit' and 'crap' those are fairly tame. But some of the stronger works like 'Fuck' and the second C word that I don't want to type just seem rather pointless and put a damper on my mood
What happened to the time when we could use poetry and symbolism to get our point across well? Instead of shock and brute force tactics?
Just thinking about what out opinions on this are. If we don't install one I will still stick around but I think keeping things relatively family friendly is a good thing.
General Major
^ Insane
Posts: 7
Post by Kas on Aug 8, 2010 2:03:44 GMT
It should change the swears into webdings, like on MS Word.
That could be awesome.
Post by CephaSquiddy on Aug 8, 2010 2:04:00 GMT
This is NewGeneral. Family Friendly is a good thing, but this forum wasn't meant to be family friendly like TTH. I'm afraid all we really do here is put up NSFW warnings. I don't really think we'll have a filter
Post by salamut2202 on Aug 8, 2010 2:06:57 GMT
oh yeah, because "fire en-sears in blacketh empty tears ashes from page of pyre eternal rage dowsed in the deep ocean thou art weep flow rivers of blood" rolls off the tongue much betterer than "i'm fucking miserable!"
but i guess (please do not swear) has a similar effect.
Post by Trygon on Aug 8, 2010 2:14:02 GMT
NewGen was meant to be as uncensored as possible. Whilst we don't condone constant cussing, if Proboards allows it, we allow it.
Post by loplod on Aug 8, 2010 2:26:58 GMT
It should change the swears into webdings, like on MS Word. That could be awesome. I like this Idea Kas, I like it alot xD So the most I can do is take balls from someone? Ahh well, We'll have to see how this goes..
Post by Trygon on Aug 8, 2010 2:29:38 GMT
It is down to the community how much swearing there is tbh. You could try to sway their opinions and make them swear less, but I'm not so sure that would work too well. Worth a shot if you care about it that much I guess.
Post by Custy on Aug 8, 2010 2:57:33 GMT
Fuck that....
Jeez that felt wierd I do curse IRL (Sorta rubs onto you when you work in the construction industry) but never in writing... Tis wierd...
Post by Dangeresque on Aug 8, 2010 5:51:09 GMT
I could consider harsher words but at the moment it seems people are (mostly) fine with it.
Quite franky we're on the Internet. If you're of the mentality to be here, then you explore enough to one click away for a barrage of swears at every corner.
Of course, if people start swearing up a storm at each other then they might need to be chewed out, or even have restrictions on thier manner. It shouldn't get to that point though... EVER.
Post by FungusA on Aug 8, 2010 9:17:22 GMT
I don't think we need ourself a swear filter. In modern times, people are exposed to swearing all the time. What we do need to filter and moderate, is the content and context. 'Shit' is probably most used as an expletive for when you stubbed your toe, or when you are describing how terrible your day has been. But when that word is actually used to describe somebody, then it starts to get offensive, then we need to start frowning and tutting.
Post by Psychosis on Aug 8, 2010 15:21:21 GMT
Meh. I suppose we could just ask the mods...
Oh wait. It's NewGen.
If any one was going to start swearing just because we don't have a filter, it would have happened by now. It seems to be non issue, excluding the occasional shit and ballsack now and then, which is fine by me. I couldn't imagine any male in an english speaking country that doesn't hear the word fuck at least once in a given day.